(1976 -- )
Grew up on a dairy farm. in Southwest, Missouri.
Yet-to-be-published mystery romance novelist.
Work in unfilling jobs supports budding writing career.
Ultimate goal: owning bed-and-breakfast mansion
Republic, Missouri
During my whole life, I've been under something.
As a newborn, I was underweight,
yet as an infant, I was rarely underfed nor understood.
As a toddler, I was under clothed playing in mud holes.
As a child, I was underexposed to society,
undermined by those around me,
and underprivileged due to economy.
Only my mom and grandma made me feel like the underdog
that would someday rise above.
As a preteen, I was an underachiever.
As a teenager, I continued to be underdeveloped,
under peer pressure, and under preconceived notions.
As an adult teenager, I was underhanded by so-called
friends, which helped place me under depression
causing me to be undernourished.
As an early adult, I was underestimated
and undervalued by everyone, including myself.
Even today, I underplay my accomplishments
out of fear of being under scrutiny.
My only hope lies under my faith in God's grace and mercy.
I thank God for being under his care.
And for my future, someday an undertaker will place me
underground. I will be under my headstone, that under my
name, will say:
"I've undergone a transformation."
Ursula Undertone