(1951-- )
Stay-at-home mother; Writer
Author of "Prayer in Praise--Poems from Scripture"
Springfield, Missouri--Lusk, Wyoming


Felicitate in the Lord and sing Him a joyful song.
Eulogize His holy name and let it resonate from your heart.
Be zealous with your voice as you exhort Him in praise.
Let your song be full of compassionate sway.
We are very privileged to be able to sing unto Him.
He is worthy of exalted praise in holy worship.

O how I wish I could hear angels singing in devotion.
Their song would be divine with perfection in timbre.
It would be an inspiration for my ears to hear their melody.
O, such sweet harmony coming from heaven's celestial choir.
I would sing all day long if my voice was heaven's gift.
It's not, and I'm happy to rejoice with zealous heart.

Jean Even